Andrew has directed, produced and written for theatre (Brentwood Theatre and Theatro Technis) and an executive producer and writer for film (The Long Walk).
Hayfever, New Venture Productions, Brentwood Theatre (artistic director)
'Do You Enjoy Cruising' Wall Productions, Brentwood Theatre, (artistic director, producer and writer)
Lord and Master, Saw It Here First Productions, Theatro Technis, (co director)
Unfortunately on this occasion ..., Saw It Here First Productions, Theatro Technis (director and producer)
The Long Walk, Long Walk Productions/AV2 Productions, (Executive Producer and co writer)
Hayfever, New Venture Productions, Brentwood Theatre (artistic director)
'Do You Enjoy Cruising' Wall Productions, Brentwood Theatre, (artistic director, producer and writer)
Lord and Master, Saw It Here First Productions, Theatro Technis, (co director)
Unfortunately on this occasion ..., Saw It Here First Productions, Theatro Technis (director and producer)
The Long Walk, Long Walk Productions/AV2 Productions, (Executive Producer and co writer)